Sunday, April 30, 2006

Whats the NAME of the game??

Hi! Whats your name?

So whats in a NAME? Isnt it just another four lettered noun of the English language? Quite inconsequential from a linguist's point of view.But not so for the individual.A name most often is the most vital element of one's personality.Constituting your sense of selfhood and identity. It could add to ur persona or diminish it. Ok so now that i have tried to establish some kind of seriousness i shall stop sounding like a self help manual. Basically your name is Quite important..its what the world out there knows you and calls you by! And you dont really want to feel embarassed everytime you hear it echoing through the stale air of a crowded local or through the pristine air of old mountains(eg:Echo point of any Hill station is an outstanding possiblity)

So considering we live by this "name" from well almost the beginning of our being till the day we are shoved into the grave why should others be given the cumbersome responsibilty of "Christening" us for life? I ask this not because I dont like my own name...but have come across quite a few funny unlikely names.

Tom and Harry are fine..but Dick? Goldilocks and Snow White were bad enough so now why Sona,Heera,Ruby, Amber and Sparkles? Ok i know these are matters of personal choice..but LESBIA?????
What were they thinking? My sister often used to speak about a Lesbia who kept getting into trouble in school and her name would invariably cackle over the PA system every alternate day much to the amusement of other students.
Ok so there is atleast variety here unlike in my land down south where every second person could very well be a Biju,Shiju,Shiny,Shijy or Aby.
Chacko for the Dad and Ammu for the mom are nice but Chaamu for the son???Unlikely you might think but a frequent fad I'd say.So this way nice names merge into hybrids :

Depressing? Wait there is about Peenu and Gifty?I'm just hoping Peenu darling falls in love with a Esther so that their childs name metamorphosises into a Peter. Else if Gifty were to wed him..their child in all probabilty can be named "Petty" or worse still "Pity"

Worse still are cases when nice names turn out to have not so favourable meanings. Now who would have thought Jenny actually means a female donkey?I have decided..when the mantle of naming the child is thrust on my not so strong mind/shoulders..i shall definitely google it before I zero down on one!


Blog world!!I'm missing it of late. why do i feel like i have orphaned my blog?
I hate the few recent posts. I've stumbled upon a new discovery.Like how some people work best under pressure.. I think i write my best when I'm depressed,sad,gloomy,whiny and extremely pre occupied(read exams around the corner) That of course doesnt mean my pieces of writing are supreme works of art...i just feel a whole lot more satisfied by those posts than others written just to occupy cyber space.Catharsis!

So I'm considering...changing my gloomy melancholic style of something more witty,slap stick,of the moment rather than pondering the pointless past. So should i turn this blog into a "ma quotidienne vie" journal or should i post excerpts from books I'm reading.. or better still excerpts from chat rooms??Fun n frolic in my life never exactly translate into easy flowing words. But melancholy finds it way into my written thoughts so fluidly.Why is that so?
There i go again....

Now slap slap whack! This is the height of stupidity! I actually have a problem with not having a problem in life right now.How silly....ok this is it.My next post shall be an attempt to discover the funny bone in me.(dont laugh mon hypocrite lecteur!)

Funny Quirk a friend made:Though our life seems to be going in circles lets not try and walk in circles. But i do hope this circle remains round....Lol
(now isnt a circle always round?well i always sucked at geometry...)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Withdrawal impossible!

I'm addicted! I dont like this!I'm loving it..but I hate loving it!

The "it" refers to this not so new bug called networking on these various networking sites!They are quite parasitic. First i refrained from joining them..that dint last long..never does work when your inbox is flooded with eager requests. and hey im just human..and so I gave in to the newest fad in the cyber world!
To begin wasnt all that exciting..then the world caught on. communities sprang up..forums evolved never to cease churning out opinions. Now my inbox began to be flooded like never before. I dont know if Im complaining..cause I quite like seeing new mails which say someones scribbled me a message or left a new mail. The someone did not really matter as long as I had something new to read! See I told you its parasitic!
What is the point?? Spending.. no a more appropraite term would be "wasting" so much time on writing an impressive profile?? Then putting on a nice cute pic where you look your bestest. And then joining these innumerable communities you may never even cast a second glance on later.And whom do you connect with? "Friends" of now then and never before or never again!

May be I've got the whole concept wrong. MAy be Im not really good at "keeping in touch" and hence would rather be of the other herd and rant. But seriously Im still attracted by these wide reaching all encompassing kinda e-network worlds. Who knows i just might glean something worthwhile out of this futile yet entertaining exercise...sometime in the distant future.

As of now...they are quite amusing and entertaining. One of my profiles states I hate hypocrisy. I know this post is reeking the stench of the same..but I just cant help hating to love it nor loving to hate it! If anyone can set my muddled up state right..kindly help!

As of now..I'll just go peek in to my inbox and look for new messages :))

oui! hypocrite ecriveur!

Sunday, April 16, 2006


I've tried to bring in change.
But I hate the way my blog looks now!

Looks more boring than ever.

The best thing would be to stop ranting and go read something better.

Pending yet: Winds of Change...

CARPE DIEM(trying to)

Its back to the without end.
nothing apocalyptic about it...i just like sounding like an oracle(thats obviously coz im not even ever getting close to being one. )
Today's Easter. But it doesn't feel like "Easter". How is Easter supposed to feel? I dont know...Thats coz I've never really known how Easter's supposed to feel. May be I should really observe Lent next year and may be I'll feel a little differently.
So what is the point behind this rambling?
As always... I dont know!
I'm terribly bored.
Beginning with this Blog. Its starting to look "faded" and "worn out" to my eyes.
Monotony is setting in again.
I need a new whisp of refreshing breeze to sweep away this stasis and gently bring in something.....
unknown... pure.... unseen.... nouvelle....
Anew... to rejuvenate my lethargic spirit.
I guess I have to make a beginning yet again.
And so it shall be.
I think Im going to start with the blog
A new face it shall don!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

ETRE-Je suis

I am me
But i have not always been me.
Then who am i?

The innocent infant mewling at birth
The ignorant toddler blissful in mirth?
The young school girl all neat and tidy
The dutiful daughter to her daddy?

The elder sister
Who teaches you nothing sinister
The faithful friend
"There for you" to break borrow or bend?

i've been i for aeons now
A construct you've imposed not endowed
i'm tired off playing the part of "i"
i'm not "I" any longer can't you see why?

No longer in your shadow(you know, but chose to ignore)
My wings have sprouted they are raring to go.
Let go!

i have been "you" for so long
But now I want to be me.
Let me be.
No more a voice of gray uncertainity
But of my own self and sureity.