Sunday, April 16, 2006

CARPE DIEM(trying to)

Its back to the without end.
nothing apocalyptic about it...i just like sounding like an oracle(thats obviously coz im not even ever getting close to being one. )
Today's Easter. But it doesn't feel like "Easter". How is Easter supposed to feel? I dont know...Thats coz I've never really known how Easter's supposed to feel. May be I should really observe Lent next year and may be I'll feel a little differently.
So what is the point behind this rambling?
As always... I dont know!
I'm terribly bored.
Beginning with this Blog. Its starting to look "faded" and "worn out" to my eyes.
Monotony is setting in again.
I need a new whisp of refreshing breeze to sweep away this stasis and gently bring in something.....
unknown... pure.... unseen.... nouvelle....
Anew... to rejuvenate my lethargic spirit.
I guess I have to make a beginning yet again.
And so it shall be.
I think Im going to start with the blog
A new face it shall don!

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