Friday, March 13, 2009

Your story

Did I tell you?

Today, I walked down the same grey stone curb where you'd rudely pulled me away from the mass of moving bodies and whispered a recipe for magic in my ear. After that we gazed at a red bus stop promising each other, we'd meet again only at a similar bus stop, a year later, when you would have sprouted more hair and me, more wisdom. We laughed at the two pairs of shuffling feet behind the bus stop, one jeans clad, one in a bright yellow chudidar. Then we sat for over an hour at the same place having a lovely conversation about nothing. When I said I have to leave, you nonchalantly muttered 'stay'. I didn't. I took your nonchalance too seriously.

I've wondered a few times if I should have stayed.
On second thoughts, I stop wondering.
You wouldn't have had a story then.


JD said...

wow, that's beautiful..
who is the writer?

overturned blue shoe said...

@JD, its just something i randomly penned down. thanks :)

asphodel said...

random brilliance. random genius. random poetry? isn't it supposed to be premeditated? the bloody ruins of urbanity, a lil wiser, a lil far...

overturned blue shoe said...

is it?
its as premeditated as you chancing upon my blog.

Neha D. said...

It's been about a year since I found myself in this virtual world of yours, I'm glad I ventured back here, love this one.

Pair of brown eyes said...

so wonderful!

overturned blue shoe said...

@N and P--> Thanks :-)

Sanika said...

Makes one wonder what stories did we miss every time we didn't stay when a friend asked to, every time we didn't call and every time we kept postponing that visit