Today I heard the song yet again.But this time, it was different.
The citric-sweet smell of oranges and lime did not come wafting back.
Nor did the jaundiced yellow of the walls stick out as a definite memory.
Everything was more a shade of black and white.
Black and white.
It wasn't frosted with nebulous drops of nostalgia anymore,.
Nor entangled in discordant chords of a melody gone wrong.
It's a memory now...not a lingering thought.
Canned. Stored away.
Manufactured, without an expiry date.
I was at the passport office today and as I sat there painfully waiting
for the work to be done I observed the feet of people. There were so many
people b...
which song was this??
which song was this??
which song was this??
which song was this??
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