Wednesday, June 21, 2006

How Rakhi got kissed got wild and lost the little life she had!

Applauses haven't sounded yet again.Accolades haven't rung all over again! But our (in)famous "the new hot thing" "the sizzling beauty" "THE ITEM GIRL" has not done us proud again! They always manage to make it to the headlines...for all the wrong reasons of course.

Whether it was Shefali zaariwala or Deepal shaw...a splash in the tabloids is essential every now and then.How else will we remain "hooked" on to them? After all we are the aam junta..n public memory is short lived ...very short. After Shilpa Shetty hurt public sentiments down south with her vulgarly draped sari..Apni mumbai ki gori probably felt sidelined and lacklustre. So what better way to penetrate back into the fading memory of us privileged viewers??

Of course its the tried and tested formula...erupt a sensational scandal..touch the public sentiment where it hurts the most and then create a ruckus about Indian morality and ethics. So what better chord to touch rather than the aeons old "abla naari" sentiment. Rakhi Sawants a pro..she's outdone her fellow "items". A little mud might be splashed around but she's confident of emerging out of the shutterbug smooch episode unharmed...quite as the sati savitri. After all as she defiantly proclaims.."I am an innocent Indian woman and no one can attack my dignity like that"

Does she even merit dignity? Well some women's organizations seem to think so,after all she is the "new Indian woman", the face of the modern India. Why then is the Maharastra government banning her shows all over the state? Well may be they'd rather that Mika perform. But the whole incident is quite ridiculous. Rakhi Sawant can bare it all on screen for hundreds of viewers and she cant handle a moronical man at a party and keep her dignity with herself.But can that be? She has to get her sheen back..her image has to be revitalised for us!

And of course the reservations,oil hikes and govt policy changes are trivial and inconsequential. Rakhi with her plunging necklines,Mika with his macho looks and Tiger with his flexed muscles are our heros for the day. Well thats what the papers seems to endorse..why else would they waste realms n realms of paper on the trysts of these insignificant earthlings from never neverland??

Till then we shall just wait and watch if Mika n Tiger ever do go to meet Rakhi and her mommy for chai...I'm sure the papers will be there to catch the moment when they kiss and make up. Now isnt that Front page Headlines material!!!

1 comment:

Neha D. said...

and so the rakhi sawant obsession grows...